Everyone is excited about the second season of Alchemy of souls. For those who live to read recaps/ reviews before watching a series. This is for you.

Episode 1 

Three Years Later

Suppliers have arrived to deliver liquor for Jinyowon’s ritual rites. We’ve been following our characters for three years now, and Cho-yeon is still as stunning as ever. Cho yeon later lets one of the men in to get some water for the liquor. The young man meets a beautiful woman named Jin Bu-yeon.

He mentions her to his coworkers as they leave, and one of them shows the other two a charm made from the petrified Naksu’s ashes. Right then, they notice a soul shifter’s attack and are saved by Jang Uk. while peering into the soul shifter’s mind. He discovers that the body’s father has taken over.

Moving on, we see people enjoying a festival when a soul shifter comes by and scares them, only for them to flee while being pursued by Park Dang-gu and others from Songrim. The soul shifter is seen entering Jinyowon, and Dang-gu runs into Cho-yeon, whom he hasn’t seen in three years after the house’s doors were closed for everyone. 

Jang Uk arrives on the scene and, given no other option, uses the powers of the ice stone within him to enter Jinyowon and kill the soul shifter. However, a mysterious door opens up for him, leading him to a prison where a maiden longs to be free.

Elsewhere, Cho-yeon and her mother, Jin Ho-kyung, are concerned that Jang Uk will come across Jin Bu-yeon, unaware that this has already happened. Jang Uk already astounds Bu-yeon with his abilities and tries to leave, only to be stopped by her as she expresses her desire to leave the room.

He refuses and attempts to leave again, only to be stopped when she points to an ice stone inside him that no one can see. When she tells him that she is someone who should not have existed, he is unable to look away and creates a path for her escape before leaving. 

When Cho-yeon questions Bu-yeon later, she denies anyone entered her room. Jang Uk returns home, and Kim Do-ju is worried about him because he is doomed to be haunted by wraiths all night after killing the soul shifters. This is the cost of using the ice stone, as those beings surround him to absorb his power.Meanwhile, Bu-mother yeon’s has planned her wedding. She expects her to marry the man she has chosen for her, bear his children, and remain imprisoned indefinitely. 

When speaking with Cho-yeon, she claims that it is Bu-yeon, not Naksu, because the original soul had died by the time the body was retrieved three years ago. 

The Royal Family and the Unanimous Assembly reward Jang Uk whenever he kills soul shifters for them, making him one of Daeho’s wealthiest men.

While Jin Mu tries to intervene, master Lee emphasizes that it is the crown prince’s responsibility to do this for Jang Uk, who is carrying out the punishment of seclusion for them. 

The crown prince proceeds to award Jang Uk the reward, but their conversation soon reveals the tension between them as a result of Jin Mu’s proximity to the crown prince. Bu-yeon escapes the room and makes her way to meet her potential husband, only to mistake him for Seo Yul. She goes to the docks to meet him, but she has to flee when Jinyowon’s priestesses come after her. Seo Yul has returned to Daeho, as has So i, who witnesses his return. 

Bu-yeon meets Jang Uk again and discovers that he is the ideal husband material for her because he has bad blood with Jinyowon and is strong enough to oppose them. She expresses her desire to marry him only to be rebuffed.She refuses to let go of this, telling him about her identity and promising to wait for him on the night of her wedding. Later, Dang-gu, Seo Yul, and Jang Uk meet at Park Jin’s house, where the latter is preparing a meal for them.

Dang-gu drowns in his grief after learning of Cho-wedding, yeon’s while Jang Uk stays behind to speak with Park Jin about the stone inside him. When asked about the outcome of his separation from the ice stone, Park Jin tells Jang Uk that he is alive because of the stone, and that only someone as powerful as Jin Seol-ran would be able to carry out this task. Only Jin Bu-yeon was as powerful as the first leader of Jinyowon- Jin Seol-ran. 

Bu-yeon prepares for her wedding while waiting for Jang Uk, but she soon loses hope on the way to her soon-to-be husband’s house.

The winds shift as the water forms a curtain, and she vanishes from the sight of Jinyowon’s priestesses. She soon realizes she has been abducted and discovers Jang Uk waiting at the docks. Delighted, she tells him that she knew he’d show up, and he doesn’t deny it while telling her that she’s useful to him. She then addresses him as husband and rushes out to hug him.

Episode 2 

Episodes 2 starts with Jang Uk taking  the runaway bride to his family’s home, unaware that an unknown creature is following them. While Bu-yeon investigates his past, Cho-yeon and her mother are concerned when she goes missing, believing Park Dang-gu is responsible. 

The two rush to Songrim, while Dang-gu drinks away his sorrows with Seo Yul, who informs him that Bu-yeon, not Cho-yeon, is getting married. The two then encounter Seo Yul’s uncle, who informs them of what has occurred and the Jin family ladies’ rush to Songrim.At Songrim, Ho-kyung asks for Dang-gu, who rushes behind him and tells him that he isn’t the culprit because he would never sabotage a wedding even if it was Cho- yeon’s. Dang-gu believes he has enraged Cho-yeon and later confronts Seo Yul about it, who informs him that he may have disappointed Cho-yeon.

Jang Uk brings Bu-yeon to his house and introduces her as his bride-to-be to Kim Do-ju, who is taken aback. Bu-yeon is pleased with this introduction, but it isn’t long-lasting because Jang Uk makes it clear that he needs her, which is why he brought her there.

Jang-Uk, who heads back home and finds himself drinking with Bu-Yeon. That drinking soon turns to a big test, with Bu-yeon wanting him to solidify their marriage by drinking. Instead, he decides to challenge her, telling Bu-Yeon to turn off the Jinyowon lamp with her divine powers. 

She couldn’t do it, claiming she’d lost her powers, much to Jang-Uk’s dismay .He tells her to leave. She shows him which is broken off by Jang Uk after which she decides to leave right 

Ho-kyung visits Master Lee and expresses her concerns when he recalls the events of three years ago and the warning he gave her. As master Lee questions her motives for saving Mu-deok, the scene shifts to a flashback three years ago, when Jinyowon rescued the nearly petrified Mu-deok from the lake. 

When Master Lee revealed that Naksu’s soul was trapped in this body by Bu-yeon during the alchemy of souls, Ho-kyung begged him to save her daughter. He informs her that the only way to save the body is to use Naksu’s energy within the body to which Bu-soul yeon’s is clinging.

He informs her that her desire to save the body will result in the soul of Bu-yeon being removed from the body while Naksu remains. As Naksu’s energy saved Bu-body, yeon’s the petrified body took on Naksu’s face. 

Master Lee also informed Ho-kyung that saving her had caused her to lose both Bu-powers yeon’s and Naksu’s memories; therefore, in order to ensure that Naksu’s memories never return, Ho-kyung decides to confine her indefinitely. Jang Uk, who is suffering from the agony of seeing Naksu’s face, should pay the price of loving Naksu by never learning that she is alive. The flashback concludes with master Lee mocking her for failing to keep Bu-yeon hidden as we see Bu-yeon leave the Jang family house. She soon returns, however, as she senses the ominous presence she felt on the way to the house again. 

Bu-yeon is leaving the Jang household. She soon returns, though, as she senses the ominous presence she felt on the way to the house again. She follows it until she reaches the bathing room, where the creature hides in the bath filled with water. She is quickly dragged inside the water, but Jang Uk saves her and puts her back to sleep while feeding her some strong wine to keep her warm. Later, he spends the night caring for her while drinking wine from the same cup.

Bu-yeon realizes Jang Uk has allowed her to stay at his house for the next three days; however, she soon discovers that pictures of her have been spread throughout Daeho and assumes it is the fault of Seo Yul. 

She then rushes to the inn to find him; while waiting for news, she notices a tea cup nearby, and a memory from the night before reminds her that she exchanged wine with Jang Uk. She then meets Seo Yul, assuming he is her betrothed, and apologizes for leaving in the middle of the wedding, implying that she has already given her heart to another.Seo Yul discovers the misunderstanding and informs her that she is betrothed to his uncle, which makes her happy because missing out on Seo Yul would have made her unhappy. She then stands to leave, but she notices the Jinyowon priestesses waiting for her. 

They return her to her room, and Ho-kyung rushes in and slaps her. However, she quickly regrets it and tells Bu-yeon that she will never leave the room again. Later, Ho-kyung meets Jin Mu, who encourages her to bring Bu-yeon to the Unanimous Assembly and present Bu-yeon as her heir. If she fails, Jinyowon’s responsibilities will be transferred to someone else.

Elsewhere, Jang Uk meets Park Jin, who questions him about why he brought Bu-yeon to his house in order to get rid of the ice stone inside him. He then informs him that Ho-kyung will introduce Bu-yeon as her heir at the evening assembly. In the meantime, Ho-kyung sews the tracking thread on Bu-back yeon’s back after discovering that the one on her wrist has been cut. 

Before bringing Bu-yeon in front of the assembly, Ho-kyung tells her that this is the last time she will leave Jinyowon. However, a strong wind blows in and blows out the light in the area while Jang Uk carries the lantern from Jinyowon that won’t turn off.

He stands in front of Bu-yeon and tells her that if she can turn off the lantern, he will take her with him. Bu-yeon, however, is powerless because she is aware that she is unable to use her abilities. But as he tries to leave, she holds the lantern, which then turns off, perplexing her. 

Jang Uk confirms her ability to use her powers by announcing that the two have already married in secret and exchanged wedding wine. He declares that she cannot be Jinyowon’s heiress because she is now his wife and invites everyone to congratulate them.

Episode 3 

Jang-Uk makes a shocking announcement about his marriage in Episode 3. It, predictably, does not go down well. The Unanimous Assembly is furious because he did not even ask Jinyowon’s permission. Extra guards rush in to confront Jang-Uk, who displays his amazing new power in front of them all.

Jin-Mu steps in to play peacemaker, deciding that if Jang-Uk can bring in a witness to verify their marriage, it will lend credibility to what he’s saying. If not, he will not be justified in marrying the Jinyowon princess. Bu-Yeon  puts him on the spot and claims to have a witness… her child. Of course, all of this is a lie, and Physician Seo is advised to look into it. He dismisses it, claiming that marriage is a sacred act and that as such, they are free to leave without incident. Jinyowon is now safe, according to them, with their lineage secure and a powerful sorcerer in Jang-Uk as part of their extended family. 

Dang-Gu and Seo Yul are convinced there’s more to this, knowing that Jang-Uk would never give up his love for mudeok so easily. We know it’s because she lives in Bu-Yeon, but we’ll have to wait for this to be resolved later on.

Bu-Yeon attempts to unlock the skills required to relight the lantern. Jang-Uk notices her sporadic magic, which is flickering at best. Bu-Yeon begins to experience back pain as they discuss their “witness” and what to do about it. It’s the tracking thread her mother sewed in the previous episode. He orders Kim Doju to continue applying ointment to Buyeon, believing she can handle it all on her own. Jang-Uk, on the other hand, goes to Jinyowon and immediately puts an end to her mother’s magic, freeing Buyeon. 

Meanwhile, Jin-Mu decides to find  everything he can about Bu-yeon. He sensed Naksu’s energy as well and decides to learn everything he can. Part of this is due to the fact that So-Yi is still out and about in town, now working as the head gangster at a gambling den. Jin-Mu assigns her the task of kidnapping Naksu and bringing her to Cheonbugwan in exchange for the medicine she requires. 

The next day, Songrim gathers to hear buyeon who appears to be regaining some of her powers. She detects others, including Lady Heo and Sun-I, who are eavesdropping around the corner. She promises to remain by Jang-side Uk’s even if her full powers return, which appears to be sufficient for Park Jin and the others. In that vein, Park Jin continues to pursue Kim, which is perhaps unsurprising given Jang-earlier Uk’s suggestion that the couple marry. Heo is less impressed, but they all sense the same energy flowing through buyeon.

So-Yi doesn’t hesitate to take aim and follow Naksu outside. She intends to entice Bu-yeon closer to Cheonbugwan with the help of a thief. The stolen stone’s energy instead leads Naksu to the depths of So-gambling Yi’s den, where she discovers the gem on the table. She realizes So-i is hiding and summons her, stating that she can sense and see energy. 

Surprisingly, Seo Yul is the one who finds her first, following her into the gambling den and down to the basement. There, he discovers So-Yi has vanished, having fled without being seen. Naksu is hiding in the bathtub. 

It’s an awkward encounter between them, especially since Naksu is relying on Seo Yul for assistance in getting out. She mentions nearly drowning, and after getting all dried up and changed, Seo Yul walks with her outside, bringing up Naksu, Mu-Deok, and their previous ties with Jang-Uk.

So-Yi returns to Jin-Mu and discusses Naksu’s ability to detect energy signatures. Given the parasite that lives within her, she is unfortunately forced to continue Jin-bidding. Mu’s To keep things in check, she requires medicine that only he can provide. Still, the information is useful to Jin-Mu, who believes Bu-Yeon can help him. He relays this information to the Queen, who is still furious about her current situation, lashing out at a court lady and wishing to swap bodies with her.

Park Jin is called out to investigate a problem in town. The wells appear to be sabotaged, with a strange trinket inside preventing the spread of water. So far, he’s discovered five of them. But why is that? To what purpose?

With Jang-Uk missing, Buyeon decides to track him down. She’s still holding her magical stone, and she’s talking to Heo in the courtyard. Lady Heo discusses what happened to Buyeon and the origin of these stones, including how two are drawn together.

Jang-Uk comes running through the forest, holding the stone out. When they are close together, they begin to glow, which appears to give Naksu some of her memories back.

Episode 4 

Jin Bu-yeon begins Episode 4 by recalling the memories she saw when she discovered the blue jade egg. However, she believes that it is her Jinyowon priestess powers that allow her to see those memories, which enrages Jang Uk while disappointing him. 

She then tries to reposition the jade, but the stone tower collapses, infuriating Jang Uk even more. Jang Uk, believing that Mu-memories deok’s are in the blue jade, instructs her to keep the jade with her in order to gain more memories of Mu-deok, which would then answer his questions.

She then expresses her displeasure with him for putting a dead person between them and promises to rebuild the stone tower. As the day comes to an end, she completes the tower but is terrified as she returns home in the dark. Soon, many fireflies find their way to her and light up her path back, unaware that Jang Uk is the one who has made this happen.

In other news, the crown prince has dispelled rumors about the queen while tending to the turtle he brought back. Meanwhile, an attack on a boat spreads rumors of Naksu’s return, terrifying Daeho as passengers begin to fear boarding their boats, and sales of amulets and charms rise throughout. 

The following day, Jang Uk, Seo Yul, and Dang-gu sit with Park Jin, who teaches them an important lesson through a dessert he has prepared for them. Right then, Sang Ho arrives with news of Naksu’s return spreading throughout Daeho. 

While the news is reaching the palace, Bu-yeon discovers the charms being sold in town and meets Joo Wol, who takes her to Chwiseonru for some discussions. She runs into the crown prince again and discovers that he has purchased the turtle she asked him to save.

Meanwhile, Jang Uk is summoned to the palace with the task of eliminating the soul shifter Naksu for the sake of Daeho’s peace and to dispel any doubts that the people may have about his relationship with Naksu. He doesn’t have a choice but to accept this assignment. 

Later, Jin Mu informs the crown prince that he is acting in his own self-interest in order to separate Jang Uk from Jinyowon and capture the latter. Elsewhere, Joo Wol tells Bu-yeon about Jang Uk’s time with Mu-deok in Chwiseonru, which irritates her.

Later, she sees the memories again and believes it is the jade doing this to her. Seo Yul, on the other hand, runs into his uncle Seo Yoon-o, who has invited Bu-yeon to show off in front of his friends. However, Seo Yul ensures that he does not tarnish Bu-reputation yeon’s by removing her before she reaches them. 

Bu-yeon then tries to talk to him about his illness, but when he asks her not to, she offers him some honey biscuits that she had packed for Jang Uk. She then inquires about his favorite desserts and informs him that he has an expensive taste, reminding him of his conversation with Mu-deok. 

Meanwhile, Jang Uk is with Park Jin as he tries to figure out what Jin Mu is up to with the ongoing rumors and soon finds out. The following day, the queen requests that a banquet be held, and Bu-yeon is invited to attend.

While Kim Do-ju is dressing her, Jang Uk arrives and compliments her, giving her permission to flaunt their good relationship in front of everyone. He then asks her to cut her nails, to which she agrees, oblivious to the fact that her nails are sent to Park Jin, who then delivers them to Jinyowon. 

The ladies introduce themselves at the banquet, but when the queen sees Bu-yeon, she screams that only one lady from each family is allowed to attend the banquet and asks Cho-yeon from the Jin family to leave. Bu-yeon then steps forward and requests to leave; aware that this will jeopardize her plans, the queen dismisses the matter. 

Soon after the banquet begins, Kim Do-ju announces that Jang Uk has arranged for fireworks, after which she directs Bu-yeon to the back garden. Jang Uk meets her there and tells her that Naksu will attack her later and that she must die.

Everyone is watching the fireworks when one of the female musicians transforms into a soul shifter and attacks Bu-yeon, shocking everyone because they believe Naksu has exacted her revenge on Bu-yeon for marrying Jang Uk. However, Kim Do-ju arrives with the real Bu-yeon and informs them that this was a used Jinyowon relic.

Meanwhile, Jang Uk pursues and kills the soul shifter, completing his task of eliminating Naksu, who has been terrorizing Daeho. Seo Yul meets So Yi elsewhere and asks her about what has been put in his body, while also informing her that he has not been taking his medicine.

Jang Uk finally visits the cliff where Mu-deok committed suicide, while Master Lee returns to Songrim. Later, while drinking in Jeonjinggak, he notices a blurred figure of Mu-deok, only to realize it is Bu-yeon. 

As she approaches him, he finally cries out for Mu-deok and falls asleep in Bu- yeon’s arms. Later, he wakes up and kisses her, bringing the episode to a close.

Episode 5 

Yul is desperate to find out what’s going on inside his body. He confronts So-yi with the truth. He has a blood parasite inside him, she admits, and the medicine was supposed to keep him safe. But he didn’t take it because he was convinced she was playing him.

So-yi is taken aback and slits her own wrist, telling Yul to put it back inside her. He refuses, stating that it is currently at the core of his energy and that there is no way for him to get rid of it. It could be bad news if it consumes all of his energy. No one else knows he has the blood parasite, and he asks her to keep it a secret while he searches for a cure. He’s not going to kill her, though, because he believes she was genuinely trying to help him.

Cho-yeon begins to like Dang-gu, especially after he gives her a gift. She eventually ends up kissing him on the cheek and thanking him. Her mother, Ho-gyeong, is less grateful. She is upset because Bu-yeon has accepted Jang-uk as her husband. Park-jin, on the other hand, speaks to her directly, expressing his hope that the two will keep each other safe.

We seem to know their bonds have been cemented, though, if that kiss is any indication. They have an awkward relationship ( jang uk and jin buyeon)and eventually decide to go back to sleep. Bu-yeon, on the other hand, continues to have flashbacks to her old life in the morning, with Mu-memories deok’s beginning to bleed into her own. She goes missing after complaining of a headache to those in the palace, sending the entire place into a frenzy to find her, led by Maidservant Kim.

When Jang-uk arrives, he wonders where she could be and begins searching all of the hotspots. He’s blank because he doesn’t know much about her and is debating whether to go to Jinyowon. He doesn’t have to bother.

While looking down on the village from a high vantage point, he notices Bu-yeon hustling at the stalls. She also finds out about rumors about the rice stall guy cheating on his wife… Jang-uk appears behind her before she can add her two cents. He feels her head, realizes she doesn’t have a fever, and wonders what she could be suffering from.Jang-uk and Bu-yeon will next meet with the Queen in a planned meeting. Before they enter, Jang-uk instructs his wife to look at him lovingly, as if they are madly in love. When they’re sitting together, she’s obviously suspicious, and she’s taken aback when Jang-uk promises to keep Jinyowon safe because there are many who would do it wrong. 

When Bu-yeon leaves the meeting, Jang-uk gets right to the point. He wants to use the ice stone and even offers to grant her desperate wish as part of the deal. Jang-uk could, of course, use Hwansu to shift her soul. Jang-uk walks her right into this verbal trap, which has her all ears to the plan at large. He realizes she intended to use Jinyowon to summon Naksu and obstruct him. She is obsessed with switching, but Jang-uk refuses, even going so far as to threaten her with swift retribution and revenge if she even tries to go after Bu-yeon again. Oh, and she’s been told to pass that message on to those with whom she’s conspiring. Specifically, Jin- mu’s.

The Crown Prince is perplexed after Jang-uk assists in the care of the Crown Prince’s turtle, warming the water at Bu-request. yeon’s He’s conflicted, and he’s still trying to figure out what it all means.

Meanwhile, the situation with the dry wells continues to perplex. Yeom realizes this was done onpurpose and wonders if it was the work of a shaman. With the droughts still going on, Dang-gu is dispatched to the merchants’ association to see if any more have been discovered in the capital. Park Jin plans to prepare Master Lee’s favorite dish. Soup with spicy beef. Everyone immediately warns him against it, knowing how bad his cooking is. 

Master Lee is with Jang-uk, who remarks on how nice it is to see him again. The pair admire Mu-stone deok’s towers, and he is surprised to learn that Bu-yeon rebuilt the tower after toppling it. He tells her, incredulously, that he was the one who looked after her and nursed her back to health.

As they walk together, the focus shifts to Bu-memory. yeon’s Ho-gyeong wants her daughter to return to Jinyowon, fearful that she will lose everything and her daughter forever. She refuses, claiming she married Jang-uk because she wanted to. As a result, Ho-gyeong demands that she bring Jang-uk over to apologize for his mistakes. Only then will she consider approving their marriage.When Bu-yeon relays this information to Jang-uk, he realizes that Master Lee has already requested the same thing! He refuses to get involved, and she eventually walks away, disappointed that Jang-uk would not assist her in this manner. Yul notices her crying and watches from a distance, still unsure how to handle her own problems. She decides to go alone after Jang-uk declines her invitation. Jang-uk feels guilty when he learns of this, and Maidservant Kim chastises him. 

Meanwhile, Park Jin works up the courage to propose to Kim. She agrees! Horray! And as the couple kisses inside, Dang-gu and the other soldiers, who had earlier arrived and noticed a second pair of shoes outside, happen to be listening and begin cheering and applauding. 

Jang-uk, on the other hand, requests to spend the night in Jinyowon rather than Bu-old, yeon’s stuffy basement. Instead, they are provided with proper lodging as well as a comfortable bed. Bu-yeon immediately assumes this is part of his decision to have them “do their duty,” but he simply wants to gain their trust for an alternate plan. He specifically requests that she open Jinyowon for him. The problem is that he isn’t the only one looking for this trinket. 

Jang-uk goes outside with Bu-yeon, and the two end up holding hands after they talk. She knows how to open Jinyowon’s doors, but they duck out of the way of the guards making their rounds. Bu-yeon has made it a habit to hide, and she proceeds to recite a story about a tree and waiting for a Prince that seems eerily similar to Mu-plight. deok’s Jang-Uk is taken aback as the two join hands. “I must be insane because of you.” He says this as they stare into each other’s eyes..

Episode 6

Bu-yeon telling Jang Uk about her dream of standing at the top of a tall tree, free of everything, reminding him of the tree in Danhyanggok that she promised Mu-deok she would climb. Bu-yeon reminds the confused and distressed Jang Uk that the one in front of him is her and asks him to see her for who she is.

Jang Uk then feels someone’s presence enter Jinyowon and sees Seo Yul, who informs them that he has come to look for someone. The scene shifts to Jin Ho-kyung, who is trying to get the name of the person who knows about Bu-yeon being Naksu from So Yi, but when she doesn’t respond, she tries to force feed her poison. 

However, a request from Jang Uk arrives, asking to meet her, forcing her to leave So Yi. Jang Uk tells her that he needs to enter Jinyowon to confirm something and diverts her attention away from So Yi while Seo Yul and Bu-yeon save her. Jang Uk departs with Bu-yeon after confirming the presence of the firebird in Jinyowon.

Meanwhile, Seo Yul confirms to So Yi that Bu-yeon is indeed Naksu, as her soul resides within the real Jin Bu-body. yeon’s This surprises him, but he is determined not to tell anyone else and to solve the problem himself. Later, he meets Bu-yeon and is overcome with emotion as he recognizes the friend he lost years ago in her. 

Jang Uk asks Seo Yul why he is assisting So Yi, and he responds that he is repaying her for her assistance when they were stuck in the barrier. Heo Yoon-ok assures them that she will soon recover and return to Jeonjingak to care for So Yi. 

Bu-yeon believes Yoon-ok will stay in Jeonjingak because of Jang Uk and announces that she will as well, but Jang Uk informs her that he will be returning to the Jang household and takes her back. On their way back, Jang Uk inquires about her friendship with Seo Yul and discovers that he knows little about him. 

Meanwhile, Seo Yul warns So Yi not to tell anyone, including Jang Uk, the truth about Bu-yeon because he will be taking on the responsibility this time. Later, while holding the whistle given to him by Naksu, he has another nightmare about Naksu, who kills him in the dream and confirms that the bloodworm’s pain increases as a result of his pain and regrets.

Jang Uk is stunned when Kim Do-ju informs him of her engagement to Park Jin, and he cannot hide his happiness for her. Elsewhere, Park Jin is overjoyed as everyone congratulates him, after which he tightens security and tells everyone to keep an eye on the firebird earthenware that master Lee discovered earlier. 

Seo Yoon-o discovers this and orders the people smuggled to Daeho to throw away the firebird earthenware. In other news, Jin Mu is preparing a plan to send Jang Uk far away from Daeho as he petitions the king for the position of General of the North Fortress. 

Meanwhile, Jang Uk informs master Lee about the people who are behind the true firebird within Jinyowon and asks if he wants him to fight them. Master Lee, on the other hand, reminds him that his fight would be considered a revolt because he is also a rightful heir to the throne due to his birth father and being the true King’s star. 

This reminds me of Jang Uk right after his revival, when he wanted to cause chaos because of what happened to Mu-deok, but was stopped when Park Jin reminded him of the people who tried to save him to avoid the same chaos.

Bu-yeon is on his way to assist Park Jin in locating all of the firebird earthenware in Daeho so that they can put a stop to the people behind this. He is astounded by her abilities, but she denies them, claiming that she can only see energy. Meanwhile, the queen summons Cho-yeon for tea, but her actions make her feel uneasy and scared. 

The crown prince arrives in Jeonjingak and informs Jang Uk of the king’s plan to send him to the North fortress, but he believes Jang Uk will refuse. Jang Uk asks if he wants him to stay in Daeho to keep Jin Mu in check, which disappoints Go Won. 

Go Won then explains that he is doing this because Jang Uk helped him with his turtle, but the latter explains that he helped it because he thought it belonged to his eunuch. Go Won claims that the act gave him the courage and hope to approach Jang Uk, who only expresses his reluctance to stop Jin Mu’s plans with the firebird. 

Jin Mu is enraged by Seo Yoon-actions o’s and demands So Yi’s return to assist him in smuggling the earthenware, unaware that Seo Yul has already ordered So Yi to leave Daeho. Meanwhile, Park Jin and Kim Do-ju are planning their wedding, while the she is still thinking about Jang Uk.

Park Jin, who is jealous, talks about Jang Uk’s importance in her heart while telling him that they are both important to her. She does, however, ask if Park Jin will assist her in getting out of a dangerous room that is about to close and could cause chaos everywhere. But, before she hears back from him, she assures him that she will not be angry if he does not save her.

Seo Yul destroys the whistle he had kept all along as a symbol of his heart’s destruction. Meanwhile, Bu-yeon expresses interest in visiting Danhyanggok, and Seo Yul promises to accompany her.

Jang Uk soon discovers this, unaware that Seo Yul has other plans for them. Seo Yul is ready to die alongside her if he fulfills his responsibility this time and kills Naksu, who is now Bu-yeon, the next day at Danhyanggok.However, his plans are thwarted when he discovers that So Yi has returned to the gambling den, only to be apprehended by people who are questioning her about the bloodworm. This is heard by Bu-yeon, who tells Jang Uk the truth about Seo Yul while his friend rushes to save So Yi.Seo Yul rushes in to save So Yi, but the bloodworm’s effects are visible as he is unable to fight back; however, Jin Mu’s subordinate recognizes that the bloodworm is inside him. So Yi tries to help Seo Yul during this time, but she unfortunately dies.

Seo Yul tries to fight them further but is unable to do so when Jang Uk enters and saves Seo Yul while declaring that no one will leave there alive.

we cant wait to see what episode 7 holds

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