The suspense and wait for Episode 7 of Panchinko was overwhelming, but it finally was aired.

Episode 7 started in 1923 Yokohama we see koh Hansu and his father close for the day from what we see the father and son are obviously close. 

They went to a boxing place, Koh fathers Japanese boss asks Koh to come and work for him , but his dad declines saying Koh Hansu works for an American family. Ryoichi tells Hansu that his Japanese has improved,  but he is going to have to work harder if he wants to be accepted. We have no idea what he is talking about or should we say its a myth.

Hansu is seen tutoring Andrew the son a Mr Holmes a wealthy American man , Andrew asks his mother , if Hansi can be brought along with them to Yale because without Hansu, Andrew will fail.

Mrs Holmes sends Hansu to deliver a message to her husband. Hansu takes the message to Mr Holmes who was at what seems to be a private club. Mr Holmes ask how his son Andrew was doing, and Hansu said Andrew was trying his best , which Mr Holmes interpreted as Andrew continuing to be unimpressive. 

The next scene was Hansu and his dad eating outside a baseball stadium , Hansu’s dad tells him he wants him to go to America and pursue his dreams and new opportunities  even if he will have to forsake their bond.  

The next day Hansu over hears his father’s conversation with his Japanese boss Ryoichi,  it seems that Hansu father borrowed some money to give to a woman.

Hansu confronts his dad , asking how he could do such a stupid thing. His fathers tells him one day he will fall in love and understand.  They went to the woman’s work place to get back the money , but she says she has given away the money to the man she cared for, this broke Hansu’s father .

On their way back Hansu tells his father he will ask Mr Holmes to lend him the money , but his father refuses .  A fight broke out between father and son , and his father end up telling Hansu to kill him in his heart and to go after a better life . Hansu goes to Ryoichi asking to work for him to pay his fathers debt , but his dad refuses and pleaded for his son not to be involved.

Before Ryoichi could decide,  the 1923 great Kanto earthquake happened in Yokohama. Koh father pushes him away from a falling beam and dies( his dad rescued him, such a great father).

Sounds stop and the screen goes black. Koh and ryoichi survived the earthquake. Koh saw his father and broke down to tears , Ryoichi tells him not to waste his father’s sacrifice,  that he should go find the Holmes and go to America.   Hansu runs to the Holmes house and finds Mrs Holmes and Andrew loading a cart of their belongings.  Hansu guides them foot trying to pass through the many people , he loses them and comes across Ryoichi again.

Time fast forwards to 8:48pm Yokohama was in flames.  Hansu recognized Andrew and Mrs Holmes corpes on the street , his dream of going to America has gone and so as his employer. He takes a watch from Mrs Holmes ( The watch we recognized was ,the watch he later gave to Sunja) .

Hansu and Ryoichi over hear a group of Japanese discussing that there was a jail breakout due to the earthquake,  someone said 300 Koreans escaped 

Ryoichi and Hansu leave the scene to find Ryoichi family. On their way some Koreans couldn’t understand the directions of an old Japanese man so hansu translates.

Forward to 2:12am Ryoichi got reunited with his wife and children , and told them they will be taking care of Hansu , he told Hansu he has a father’s debt to pay.

Hansu won’t be able to have the life his father dreamed of , how he will work for Ryoichi. 

This episode comes to an end with Hansu watching and observing the atmosphere with a troubled look, probably wondering what his future will be like.

This episode Lee Min Ho portrayed his best performance so far in this series. I really loved cinematography choice in this episode.

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