Every month in Nigeria, there are different Korean activities that takes place. Welcome to the mont of January 2024 and for this month, we have one event up our sleeves, but it requires you to register and it is limited slot available. This event is a movie screening program
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Every month in Korean Cultural Centre Nigeria, there are events to celebrate the Korean culture day. For the month of January, The Korean cuture day is celebrated through a movie screening event. The movie that would be screened is titled “Take Care of My Cat”.

The date of the event is 17th of January 2024 and the time is for 3 pm. The venue for the event is the KCCN Studio, but you would need to register so click on the link below for more details.
About the Movie “Take Care of My Cat”
This is a Korean movie that was released on 13th October 2001. It is a movie about friendship of 5 high schools girls a year after graduation. In the port city of Icheon, five female friends struggle to stay close while forging a life for themselves after high school, It shows the struggles, and changes and difficulties face by the 5 friend in their friendship. The movie running time is 112 minutes, the cast are

This is for the Skincare lovers readers. Koniabio was is a recognised skincare brand in Nigeria is doing a giveaway of a skincare product.
It is a giveaway Hosted by @official.12grabs X@konabio.ng
The special event comes with amazing gifts! And The star of this event is none other than “Vegan Comforting Sun; Dendropanax X Calactomyces”!
This giveaway is for the luckv 10 winners!!
Click the link to find out more.
Here is a Vlog of a Korean event held on Nigeria