Welcome to a new year guys, this is my first post of the year and I want to wish you a happy new year. This Website is a Korean website that was created on March 31st, 2021. To promote the Korean culture and lifestyle here in Nigeria and also globally. In 2023 I was opportune to travel to South Korea to receive an award, I want to share it with you all, so that is one of my plans . Make sure to subscribe so as not to miss it.
What to expect from this website
In this area I am going to share with you my experience in South Korea, the itenary, the places I visited and the things I did like wearing hanbok, visiting palaces and temples, eating different Korean food, collecting my award, the weather etc. It is basically my travel story.

I love kdrama a lot, so this part will cover the monthly kdrama releases, my reviews of Kdrama, Kdrama recommendations and suggestion to mention a few.
In this section, the articles I plan to interview people who are contributing to Kculture, this includes people who participate and wins an award, important figures contributing to the Korean culture to mention a few.
I have been trying a lot of Korean food, Korea snacks and Korean drinks and basically some of them have left me speechless on how delicious they are so in this part the articles I would write would be about these foods, snacks and drinks.

Every year I get packs of Korean food to cook, so basically what you will find here is my Korean food cooking Journey, recipe to mention a few.
Around the world, there are Korean events that take place online and offline, I basically aim to write about the ones I find every month for those in Nigeria, the ones people can participate in globally and for non Koreans in South Korea.
South Korea is rich with history, so while we learn about the Hallyu wave, it is also important to learn about their history, the growth of the society, the different South Korean cities to mention. The challenges
Koreans are known for their amazing fashion style especially their Korean street fashion, so trust to me share with you some of my favorite Korean fashion items.
Gather if you love kpop and all that it embodies, here I will talk about my favourite artists, my review od kpop songs etc.
Recently I have been considering taking my fitness seriously and I have being leaning towards Ksports and easy yoga and gymnastics, so in this aspects I might try to cover some KSports that might be of interest to me.
Korea is know for their amazing beauty and skincare products and I will be sharing my review of the different Kbeauty products I use.
Now that I gave shared with you what to expect from this Korean website, I hope you get to subscribe so that you do not miss anything.